Great Crosby Catholic Primary 01519248661
Great Crosby Catholic Primary School
Great Crosby Catholic Primary 01519248661
Great Crosby Catholic Primary School
Our school gates open at 8.35am. Children should be in class for registration at 8.45am, ready for lessons which start at 8.55am.
To report an absence please use School Gateway or text 07507282314.
Welcome to Great Crosby Catholic Primary School website. We are a large Catholic primary school serving the parishes of Ss. Peter and Paul and St. Helen’s. Our Catholic mission underpins all we do.
Our school family works hard to provide a place where the Gospel values are lived out each and every day. We strive to create a community based on love, respect and forgiveness; a place where each individual can learn and grow in love of God and of each other.
At Great Crosby we strive to create a place of academic excellence whilst ensuring the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils is given an equally high priority. We want everyone in our school family to simply be the best they can be. We work hard together to ensure that our pupils really do ‘have life and have it to the full.’
Our termly curriculum brochures keep you informed of the themes being studied and ways in which you can support your child at home. Our weekly edition of the Wednesday Word also allows you to support your child and the family in your faith journey.
Great Crosby works closely in partnership with other schools in Sefton and Liverpool to share good practice and ensure that we stay at the forefront of educational development.
We are also a member of the Archdiocese of Liverpool Primary School Improvement Trust.
L Morton
Our Mission Statement
Our next fundraising event for CAFOD is The Big Lent Walk on Thursday 3rd April. For this we ask for a donation of £1 to complete laps of the field. The children should ideally wear wellies for the walk, which can be brought into school in a bag on the day. The children will not need to wear PE kits unless they usually have PE on that day. Click/tap the image to find out more about CAFOD’s Lent Appeal.
We are taking part in the Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel - the UK’s largest walking, wheeling, scooting and cycling challenge. It inspires pupils to make active journeys to school, improve air quality in their neighbourhood and discover how these changes benefit their world. If you possibly can, please come to school by walking, using a wheelchair, scooting or cycling. Our school can win rewards and prizes if enough people take part.
During our Science Week, each year had a different topic to investigate within the theme of Change and Adapt. Year 6 found out about antibodies. Year 5 looked into microplastics., Year 4 investigated dissolving sugars. Year 3’s topic was amazing animal adaptations looking at habitats. Year 2 took part in 'Deep Sea Movement’ to learn about marine life. Year 1 designed and adapted paper aeroplanes to find which flew the best. Reception noticed the changes happening in their garden.
Years 5 and 6 visited the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall for this year’s schools’ concert, where they listened to a number of pieces on the theme of ‘The World in One City’. They joined with other north-west schools in singing, 'All Our Different Voices'. Click/tap the image to see more photos.
We would like to invite you to sign up for our new school lottery!
• Tickets cost just £1 a week
• All profits go to our school
• School cash prize every week
• Chance to win the £25,000 jackpot!
Click/tap the image to find out more and enter.
Please feel free to share this link with friends and family!
Thank you and Good luck!
Children have been reading on their own & together, having lots of World Book Day fun. They also shared their favourite inspirational people & read along with the BBC Teach online lesson. This afternoon for some classes enjoyed following the live creative writing lesson with Pobble365. Click/tap the image to see more photos or visit the Our Learning Year pages.
Our theme for World Book Day is 'Inspirational People'. We were delighted to welcome British gymnastics legend Beth Tweddle to inspire Years 4-6 about the benefits of sport & exercise.
Year 5 led our Ash Wednesday liturgy, sharing Lenten promises, distributing ashes & showing how we're being Pilgrims Of Hope. They celebrated with parents & carers this afternoon. The retiring collection was for CAFOD.
From CAFOD's website:
Loving and Merciful God,
We come before You in prayer, lifting up Your servant, Pope Francis, in his time of need. You are the Source of all healing, and we ask You to surround him with Your loving presence, granting him strength and recovery. May Your divine grace rest upon him, restoring his health and filling him with renewed vigor to continue leading Your Church with compassion and wisdom.
“But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord.”
(Jeremiah 30:17)
We place Pope Francis into Your hands, trusting in Your eternal care. May he be comforted by the love of the Church and the prayers of all the faithful. We ask, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, that his recovery be swift, and his spirit be strengthened in Your peace. May Your will be done in his life, O Lord, and may Your healing power be with him always.
We offer this prayer in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit.
Fr John has asked for Archbishop Malcolm's Racial Justice Sunday Pastoral Letter to be shared. Watch the video or read the letter on our Parish and Archdiocese page.
Click/tap the green button.
We have received our smart, new football kits. Thank you to the PTA, MH&C Accountancy and Howdens for sponsoring them. We even have our mission statement printed on the back: '..that they may have life and have it to the full.' John 10:10
We had lots of fun on NSPCC Number Day - dressing up in costumes, wearing our favourite numbers, measuring and weighing, and playing games.
Today is Safer Internet Day. We have watched some online lessons from BBC Teach and Tech She Can, and taken part in activities to learn about the theme of 'Too Good to be True? Protecting yourself and others from scams online'. Click/tap the image to visit our online safety page.
Here are some photos from Safer Internet Day 2025.
In our prayer & liturgy assemblies, we were reminded of St Bernadette's visions in Lourdes & learnt about the recent declaration of Jack Traynor's cure as a miracle.
One of our Year 3 pupils brought in a bottle in the shape of Our Lady filled with holy water from Lourdes.
Click/tap the green button to find out more about Jack Traynor and the Mass of Celebration for his cure.
This week we are proud to have been awarded ‘I Belong’ accreditation by the National Centre for Computing Education for encouraging girls towards careers in computer science through our curriculum and teaching approaches.
Today was Walk in White for World Cancer Day to raise awareness for the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation. All year groups took part in walking around the field. Thank you for the donations sent in. We raised £664.21. This was part of a local initiative along with other local schools. Click/tap the image to see more photos.
Some classes have joined a Children’s University Zoom masterclass from the Confucius Institute at Edge Hill University this afternoon to learn about the lunar new year celebrations.
We're so excited to begin our Pilgrims Of Hope journey. In our assemblies, we launched the Jubilee 2025 year.
Ask your children to tell you about it!
Click/tap the image to visit our Jubilee page. Click/tap the button to visit the CAFOD Jubilee page.
Join our group on a Friday morning and enjoy tea and toast while the little ones play. It is a great opportunity to meet other members of our Great Crosby family. Entrance is through the school office. The group runs from 9am to 10.30am.
We are delighted to be recognised with this certificate marking five years since our CAFOD Live Simply award.
At the end of the Autumn Term 2024, our children submitted peace posters for the Liverpool Heartbeat ‘Prepare for Peace’ project. Hopefully some of them will be displayed in the Liverpool Beatles Museum.
Click/tap the image to find out more and to see some of the posters that we sent.
All our children have received a Go Forth prayer card to write their Christmas promise on. They can leave these at any of the cribs in our churches over the Christmas period. Please do take time out of your busy holiday break to find time to visit church at some time. The children's Rejoices, services and Nativities have all helped remind us of what Christmas is all about.
Christmas blessing to you all.
Mass times are:
Ss Peter and Paul’s - Christmas Eve at 7pm and midnight; Christmas Day at 10.30am
St Helen’s - Christmas Eve at 8pm and Christmas Day at 10am.
St Joseph’s - 10pm on Christmas Eve at 10pm and Christmas Day at 11.15am.
We thought about ‘Gifts that you can’t see’ – love, peace and shelter, in our Christmas liturgies.
Thank you for all the donations to the South Sefton Foodbank yesterday. They were greatly appreciated.
Thank you to our PTA and Sacred Heart pupils for their help with tour Christmas Fair. Despite the weather, it was very busy. There were homemade gifts, games, nearly new Christmas jumpers, books, toys, gingerbread decorating and much more.
We welcomed Catherine from the St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP) to talk to Years 4 and 5 about the Mini Vinnies club that we are planning to start in the new year. They will be living out their mission to ‘See-Think-Do’ helping the school community and beyond to provide practical assistance to people in need.
Thank you to Sherrell from Bullybusters who came to talk to Year 6 about making good choices, respect and making things better, as they prepare for their transition to high school.
The Crosby Branch of the Royal British Legion has thanked us for our support for the Poppy Appeal. They have loved seeing the displays and the work done by the children. We raised a total of £370.19. The image shows the certificate for the school and we will of course be collecting next year.
Jo Hodge from Digital Schoolhouse worked with each Year 5 class to teach them about repetition and loops. They created repeating patterns on Scratch first, then wrote similar more complex codes in TurtleStitch to create patterns that were then sewn onto cloth. Click/tap the image to see more photos.
Very well done to our Y6 girls who held a cake sale raising £47.06 for the Whitechapel Centre Christmas Appeal. We're supporting the appeal by collecting items on their wish list: toiletry gift sets; new pyjamas & underwear; selection boxes; hat, scarf & glove sets; stocking fillers and Christmas food treats. Please send anything you can by Thu 12th Dec. We are also collecting money in our classroom boxes. Parents/carers can also request a box from the school office.
Year 2 performed their Advent service wonderfully twice to parents/carers, then again to parishioners on Wednesday. Thank you for the donations to CAFOD World Gifts after the services.
The Assembly Team led our Prayer and liturgy with the parable of The Lost (Prodigal) Son.
Well done to the children in Years 5 and 6 who completed the Primary Maths Challenge today, doing lots of mathematical thinking and problem solving.
Today we said goodbye to our wonderful cleaner and general superstar Carol McCarthy. Carol has been with us for over 20 years and has played a huge role in looking after pupils, staff and parents alike during these years. We wish her all the best on her new adventure.
During November and Advent, we are supporting the Whitechapel Centre's Christmas Appeal. Each classroom has a money collection box to collect cash donations. If any families would like a collection box to take home, please contact the school office. We are also collecting the items in the image that have been requested in the Whitechapel Centre's Wish List. Please send anything you can by Thu 12th Dec. Thank you very much for your support.
We welcomed Jo Hodge from Digital Schoolhouse to work with each Year 3 class to introduce them to Scratch computer programming. Children can access Scratch tutorials at home using the link on the Our Learning > Favourite Websites page. Click/tap the image to see more photos.
Thank you to Sherrell and Natalie from Bullybusters for coming to talk to Years 3 to 6 about the Anti-Bullying Week theme of 'Choose Respect' - respecting ourselves and others.
In our Prayer and liturgy, we commemorated Remembrance Day with a one minute silence and lots of information about the world wars and Liverpool. Some children brought artefacts and told family stories.
In Forest School today, we used hammer and nails to create a poppy for Remembrance Day.
We used wool to weave around the nails. It was tricky and we had to use good hand/eye coordination.
It was an honour to be asked to take part in the Remembrance Sunday service at Alexandra Park, Crosby yesterday morning. Two of our children helped to lay a wreath with a pupil from St Nicholas's on behalf of the children of Crosby.
Click/tap the image to see more photos.
In today's assemblies, we welcomed Toni from The Whitechapel Centre to talk about homelessness in Liverpool and how we can help in the lead up to Christmas. We will be holding some fundraising events and will have collection boxes in classes. Some children will have their own fundraising ideas too. We learned that the Whitechapel Centre is hoping to make 1200 presents for homeless adults and 500 presents for homeless children this year.
Click/tap the green button to find out more about The Whitechapel Centre.
Well done to everyone who took part in today's Great Sponsored Run, raising money to improve our playground equipment. Thank you for all the donations. We raised the fantastic total of £7,299.17.
In our Prayer and Liturgy assemblies today we celebrated All Saints Day, particularly thinking about the life and example of Blessed Carlo Acutis who did so much in his short life to evangelise and to help the poor. We watched this video from Catholic Youth Ministry Federation.
Click/tap the button to find out more about Blessed Carlo Acutis.
Congratulations to all the childen who received their Summer Reading challenge certificates today from the library. Here are just a few of the many.
Nursery have been busy on their first visit to Forest School this week!
They’ve enjoyed exploring all areas of the woods, balancing on logs, singing Autumn songs,collecting leaves, making crowns and using mirrors to look for nests in really high trees. Click/tap the image to see more photos.
Some of the children in Year 2 have been busy taking part in Glide bike classes! The children have all learnt how to balance on their bikes and tried riding around the playground. The Year 2 teachers were amazed at how determined the children were! Well done! They are based in Crosby Leisure Centre in the half term if anyone is interested in taking part! Click/tap the image.
Thank you to all the families who joined us for Stay and Pray this morning with Fr John. It was a peaceful & prayerful way to start the day.
Tomorrow, Thu, children can wear non-uniform clothes by bringing a £1 minimum donation for Zoe's Place AND an item for South Sefton Foodbank. They particularly need tinned tomatoes, tinned soup, tinned or instant potatoes, canned meat, shower gel, shampoo & biscuits. Thank you.
Click/tap the image to find out more about the Save Zoe's Place Liverpool campaign and click/tap the green button to find out about South Sefton Foodbank.
Children can collect extra Children’s University credits during the October holiday by completing the half term holiday challenge. Each activity is worth 1 credit (unless otherwise stated) when you bring evidence of your activity to your school or send it to our local Children’s University -
Click/tap the image to visit our Children's University page, where you can find all the links.
In today’s assemblies, the children watched CAFOD’s Laudato Si video showing Pope Francis’s letter to protect our common home, the Earth. Click/tap the green button to see Year 2's Recycling Week photos.
Years 5 and 6 helped in Sacred Heart’s World Record attempt of making the highest number of origami hearts in the same place.
This afternoon, Year 2 attended a tour of the night sky and the children talked about some of the hidden objects that appear after dark and found out what they would look like if we could get closer. This was a Zoom lesson organised by The Children's University so the children who took part will receive a credit. Click/tap the image to see more photos.
There is a vacancy for a Parent Governor to serve on the governing board of our school. We are very keen to encourage parents to nominate themselves to fill this place. Details of how to nominate yourself are in the letter that was emailed out and a Nomination Form and Self Declaration Form are available from the school office or can be downloaded from the Key Info > Governors page of the school website.
Click/tap the image.
If an election is required, all parents will be able to vote.
We welcomed Laura Ashcroft, Sefton Children's University Coordinator, to our assemblies to launch Children's University at Great Crosby. She told us about all the ways that we can gain credits towards the graduation rewards at the ends of Years 2 and 6.
Children will be able to gain credits by attending school clubs at lunchtimes or after school. They can also gain credits at clubs that have signed up as Children's University Learning Providers, where they can have their passports stamped. Children's University passports will be available to order at parents evenings for £5.
There will be more details in the near future.
Click/tap the image to visit our Children's University page.
This is National Recycling Week. The theme is 'Rescue Me'. In Monday’s assembly, our Eco Club asked children to collect plastic bottle caps so we can turn them into a wonderful piece of artwork, like the one in the photo made at Madley Primary School in Hereford. Plastic bottle caps are one of the most littered items. As well as looking unsightly, they are having a devastating impact on marine animals. There are boxes in school for children to put them. Thank you for your support.
Forest School has started for Reception children.
The children have been learning the rules of the woods to keep themselves and their friends safe.
We really did need our wet suits and wellies this week, but rain doesn’t stop us having fun!
Click/tap the image to see more Forest School photos.
Today we're wearing yellow for World Mental Health Day. Children are in a yellow school top or accessory to support Young Minds UK. Our Mental Health Champions are getting ready for their first duties next week. Look out for their yellow lanyards when they are on the playground at lunchtimes. Click/tap the image to visit our Well-being for Children page.
Today in Year 2, we have celebrated National Poetry Day. We have encouraged all the children to make, experience and share poetry with family and friends. We have made poetry books for the children to take home and have encouraged the children to write their own poems to share with their classes.
In Year 4, Ms Dalton read 'The Jabberwocky' by C. S. Lewis to the children. They had a go at drawing the beast and a storyboard for the poem. In Year 3 istened to 'This Bear' by Joseph Coelho, Sharuhi performed 'No Hickory, No Dickory, No Dock' by John Agard & everyone said & acted Ken Dodd's 'She Stood on the Bridge at Midnight'.
Thank you to everyone who came to our first Stay and Pray session this morning. It was a contemplative and prayful start to the day.
Today some Y6 children visited the Plaza cinema for a Pritchards Bookshop event. During the event, local hero and Children’s Laureate, Frank Cottrell Boyce interviewed the fabulous author Katherine Rundell about being an author, her inspiration, her life experiences and what it’s like to eat a tarantula! Katherine’s new book ‘Impossible Creatures’ came out in paperback in August.
The children watched the interview and then had the opportunity to meet Katherine and to purchase the book.
Click/tap the image to see more photos.
Well done to all of our cross-country runners from Years 4, 5, 6 who took part in the Sefton Schools Cross-Country Races at The Northern Club this evening. We had 67 runners in our squad! Click/tap the image for more photos.
We were delighted to welcome Emily Cherry, CEO of Bikeability UK, with the Liverpool City Region Active Travel Team, to watch Gary & Steve from Bikeright UK
training Y5 children in cycle road safety during Cycle To School Week. Gary and Steve are spending two weeks at Great Crosby with groups of Year 5 children.
Click/tap the image to see more photos.
It's Cycle to School Week! We're encouraged to leave our cars at home & cycle/scoot to school. If you can't cycle, then walk instead of driving. Be fitter & help the environment! Tomorrow, we have some special visitors!
Following the national Adoremus gathering last weekend, there will be a similar event within the archdiocese at the Metropolitan Cathedral on Saturday.
The event itself is free and available to all.
At the Metropolitan Cathedral, there will be Eucharistic Adoration throughout the day from 10am until 5pm, Holy Mass, opportunities for confession, a variety of workshops, and a shared time of prayer during the day for all
This is the timetable:
09:00 – Holy Mass and Exposition
10:00 – Adoration begins
10.15 – Workshop 1: Care for Creation 11.15 – Workshop 2: Listening to the still small voice
12.15 – Workshop 3: Discerning, Choosing, Deciding
13:15 – Workshop 4: Praying with Carlo Acutis 14:00 – Holy Hour, Eucharistic Procession and Benediction
15.15 – Workshop 5: Young Adult Lectio Divina
17.00 – Mass and Children’s Liturgy
All visitors are welcome to drop in and out throughout the day and only need to sign up to participate in the workshops due to the limited number of spaces.
This academic year we are excited to work with Father John to launch Stay and Pray at Great Crosby Catholic Primary School. This is an opportunity to support children and adults on their faith journey. The first session will take place on Friday 27th September in the spare classroom (opposite the courts) at 08:45. The session will give an opportunity for children and adults to pray together led by Father John. The session will last for no more than 15 minutes and will involve time for prayers and contemplation. We are hoping to run a Stay and Pray session each month and ask children to lead these relaxed and informal prayer sessions. All are welcome. We hope to see you then
Year 2 had a fantastic day learning all about Roald Dahl and engaging in many exciting activities based on his books! We spent time this morning talking about our favourite Roald Dahl books and colouring in lovely pictures. In the afternoon, 2M designed their own Wonka bars like Willy Wonka to take home! Click/tap the image for more photos.
Year 3 were visited by Sefton Healthy Lifestyles team today to talk about healthy eating which fits in with their Science work.
This Sunday 8th September is Education Sunday. Please try to attend Mass at one of our churches.
St Helen’s - Sunday 10.00am
Ss Peter & Paul's - Sunday 10.30am
St Joseph’s - Saturday 6.30pm
Sunday 11.00am
There will be prayers, thanksgiving and a retiring collection. Children are encouraged to wear their school uniform as part of the celebration.
It has been wonderful to see all of the children back at school looking so smart and ready to learn. Thank you to everyone for making such an effort to be on time in the mornings with the new registration times. Remember that registration closes at 8.55am.
If you would like a paper copy of any documents or to contact Mrs Morton, please click on the 'Get In Touch' button to send a message to Mrs Mason in the school office or email:
Mrs Morton's reflection of the school year.
Watch Fr John's blessing for the end of the school year.
Year 6 spent the day at Waterside Lodge, Southport reflecting on their time at Great Crosby and giving thanks. The theme was the Olympics, focusing on the values of friendship, respect and excellence. They had a carousel of activities - watching a film of photos from Nursery/Reception to Year 6; a dance to Lea Heart's Stonger Together; stone painting, affirmation medals; friendship bracelets; and pledge scrolls after watching inspiring Olympic moments. After lunch, we celebrated Mass with Fr John. Click/tap the image to see more photos.
RNLI lifesavers led our assemblies to reiterate the importance of water safety. They reminded us that Crosby is a red flag beach, so it is never safe to go in the water. At other local beaches, people should only swim between the red/yellow flags showing that lifesavers are on duty.
The theme of this year's Summer Reading Challenge is'Marvellous Makers'. Click/tap the image to visit our 'Love of Reading' page for more details. We usually have a tremendous response to the Summer Reading Challenge and have a great pile of certificates delivered to school in the autumn.
Today, we have welcomed five teachers from Croatia for the first of two days across our school. They have enjoyed being in class with our children.
Today we celebrated Star of the Week and hymn practice outside to help us prepare for Ss Peter and Paul's feast day on Monday.
Michael Marks visited our EYFS and KS1 children, teaching them about the Jewish way of life. They wrote in Hebrew script, made a scroll and tried some traditional Jewish dancing.
Click/tap the green button to find out more about our learning.
Fr John celebrated Mass with us on our patronal feast day. Children from Years 5 and 6 led our readings and prayers. We sang songs by John Burland.
As part of Year 1's To know You More Clearly topic of Dialogue and Encounter, Fr John, Fr Mark, Sally, Pat, Brian and Deacon Tony came in to school
They helped us to learn about our parish community and the roles people have in our church at Ss Peter and Paul's.
Click/tap the image to see more photos.
We are delighted to announce that we have achieved the School Games Gold Mark Award for the 2023/24 academic year.
The School Games Mark is a Government-led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our success.
We were delighted to welcome YKids Charity and Kingsley and Co book shop today! KS1 children enjoyed choosing from the wide range of books they brought with them. Our visitors loved chatting and encouraging the children to find a book they will enjoy.
We love to read at Great Crosby!
Our new prayer room has been blessed by Fr John and the children have been visiting it this week.
It is a quiet space for prayer and reflection.
Click/tap the image to see more photos on our Catholic Life > Prayer, Liturgy and Jubilee page.
Crosby Leisure Centre's Philippa & Hannah spoke in assemblies about being safe in the water, especially in rivers & on the beach. They reminded us that Crosby is a red flag beach, so we should never go in the water. Click/tap the image for advice from the Royal Life Saving Society.
In 'To Know You More Clearly', Y2 have been answering the question, 'Who is my neighbour?', reading the Good Samaritan parable & discussing how we can help our neighbours. We then looked at a local charity that follows Jesus' example of this teaching. The children chose to have a collection of goods to help Bridge2, a charity based in Toxteth, which supports refugees and asylum seekers in Liverpool.
We were honoured today to welcome Abi Pointing, Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Merseyside to speak to Years 5 and 6 about the life and roles played by King Charles III. We also learnt about his predecessors Charles I and Charles II.
Wow! What an afternoon we had for our Jack Riding Tournament.
Thank you to all the schools who took part; the staff at Great Crosby who helped make the event a success; our past pupils and Sacred Heart pupils who volunteered to referee; the hundreds of spectators who cheered all the teams on; and of course, the teams themselves. Congratulations to Great Crosby (green team!) who won the final against Valewood. The trophy returns to Great Crosby for the first time since 2019. Click/tap the image to see more photos.
Muchas gracias Patricia y Lauren de Movema Dance. They flamenco danced in our assemblies, then taught Y6 in class workshops as part of our Languages Celebration Week.
Mrs Morton's Vlog has the latest news at the end of a very busy week at Great Crosby.
Year 6 enjoyed their Science Workplace Workshops Day on the theme of 'Smashing Stereotypes'. They were introduced to a range of scientific careers by: Viki a microbiologist from Liverpool Clinical Laboratories; the Scientific Support Team from Merseyside Police; Dr Coyne, a dentist from Saving Faces; Mr Cassidy from Sacred Heart Catholic Academy talked about engineering and science; Alex from British Aerospace Systems shared information about aeronautical engineering and the children made DNA models using sweets as demonstrated by the Scouse Scientist.
All the children from Nursery to Year 6 have had a memorable week of Quidditch session during the week with Enrich Education. Some were lucky enough to be outside in the sunshine. Click/tap the image to see more photos.
On Monday, we welcomed ultrarunner, Alan Bateson, from Sports For Champions
to lead fitness sessions with all years, as part of our fundraising for playground equipment. Each class also took part in a special activity during the week. Click/tap the image to see more photos.
Great Crosby Catholic Primary School
The Northern Road, Crosby, Liverpool. L23 2RQ. email:
Tel 0151 924 8661
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