Great Crosby Catholic Primary 01519248661
We have Parent and Teacher Evenings twice during the year, usually close to the half term holidays in the Autumn and Spring terms.
The Spring term Parent and Teacher Evenings are Tue 24th Feb 3.30pm to 5pm and Wed 25th 3.30pm to 7pm. Information about making appointments is in the letters below.
Appointments will close: - on Mon 24th Feb at 12 noon for appointments on Tue 25th Feb
- on Tue 25th Feb at 12 noon for appointments on Wed 26th Feb.
If you wish to make any changes after this date please contact the school office.
Parent and Teacher Evening for 4MC is on Wed 25th 3.30pm to 7pm and Thu 27th Feb from 3.30pm to 5pm.
Details are below.
Click/tap the green button for a video guide to EdShed and the slides from our Y1 information meeting about phonics and guides about maths, reading and spelling.
For more information download the letters about the forthcoming parents evenings and SEND reviews with Mrs HArvey (SH) and Mrs Thompson (MT).
Click on the green button to go to the School Cloud booking system.
Please read the guide below for details of how to book an appointment.
If you need assistance, please contact the school office who will be able to add appointments on your behalf.
Click/tap on the green button above to visit the School Cloud appointments system.
Here you can view presentations from meetings for parents and helpful videos.
This video shows the key features of EdShed and how we expect children to use it at home. The sound is rather muffled, but there are subtitles.
An update for parents and carers about Little Wandle Letters and Sounds, our phonics scheme, and how you can help your child prepare for the Year 1 Phonics assessment. The videos below are mentioned in the Phonics meeting video. Find out more by clicking on the parents' page image below.
An update for parents and carers about Key Stage 1 assessments and mathematical methods. There are several ways that you can help your child.
This video is the presentation that the Reception teachers would have given to parents and carers of Reception children about reading, writing and mathematics at Great Crosby. Press pause at any time. The links to videos mentioned are on the Children > Reception page.
This video explains the teaching for mastery approach at Great Crosby and includes examples of the representations and language used. There are also examples of children's work and strategies.
We are pleased to have the Safer Schools App to support parents/carers and children with staying safe online. Please watch the video to find out how it will help us to communicate up-to-date online safety and safeguarding information to you. It can be downloaded from the App Store and Google Play. Follow the instructions in the letter that was emailed home. The codes are on our online safety page
Great Crosby Online Safety Presentation to Parents and Carers
Pause to read the slides.
Visit for links to websites.
Check out this great video
Great Crosby Catholic Primary School
The Northern Road, Crosby, Liverpool. L23 2RQ. email:
Tel 0151 924 8661
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