Great Crosby Catholic Primary 01519248661
Hello and welcome to Year 4 where we aim to instill a love of learning and reading.
4B - Mrs Bayliss
4D - Ms Dalton
4M - Miss Mason
4ML - Mrs N. Murphy & Mrs Callaghan
Please watch Mrs Morton's Meet the Teacher if you were not able to attend.
Here is an update on the reading opportunities for Year 4 children at Great Crosby. Page 1 and 4 are shown first, click Next/Previous below to change the pages.
Recommended books can be found here: and
We went to the Grosvenor Museum in Chester. The classes got to march around the streets of Chester, shouting in Latin to the Ampitheatre.
They then practised some Roman defensive positions with their shields.
The classes also got to explore the museum, doing some observational drawings of their favourite artifacts.
As well as that, the children had a workshop based on the Romans invading Chester.
Jo Hodge from Digital Schoolhouse taught each Year 4 class how to program our micro:bits in MakeCode to create a design in the style of Mayan glyphs.
To celebrate National Poetry Day, Ms Dalton read the Jabberwocky by C. S. Lewis to the children.
The children supported each other and competed well on a lovely sunny morning.
Year 4 have had a great time practising their times tables in lots of ways while being dressed up as rock stars.
Our Year 4 gymnastics team were very successful. Some children will go on to represent Central Sefton.
We have updated our timetabling of homework to allow more flexibility.
Spellings will be available on Edshed from Friday to preview before your child's spelling lesson on Monday. Children should play one game each night or hand in paper practice if they prefer. Grammar homework will be set on Mondays and is due the following Monday. Maths will be set on Wednesday, and will be due the following Wednesday.
Reading will continue to be set on Friday as a preview for learning from Monday.
Thank you for all the support you give the children in their learning at home.
Great Crosby Catholic Primary School
The Northern Road, Crosby, Liverpool. L23 2RQ. email:
Tel 0151 924 8661
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