Great Crosby Catholic Primary 01519248661
Ollee is a digital friend for children aged 8-11 funded by BBC Children in Need’s A Million & Me initiative, which aims to make a difference to children’s emotional wellbeing. Ollee is created by Parent Zone.
Ollee aims to help children reflect on how they feel and to process their experiences with the support and help of their parents and carers, offering advice and support they can also store for later.
If you’re struggling with your feelings, you're not alone. Young Minds have loads of practical tips and advice from young people just like you, as well as information on getting the support you need.
There are lots of help guides including 'Feelings', 'Mental health conditions', 'Supporting a friend', and 'Coping with life'.
Our Mental Health Champions are out on the playgrounds at lunchtimes.
Great Crosby Catholic Primary School
The Northern Road, Crosby, Liverpool. L23 2RQ. email:
Tel 0151 924 8661
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