Great Crosby Catholic Primary 01519248661
Welcome to Year 5. We have an exciting year ahead!
5B - Miss Barrett
5BW - Mrs Benson and Mrs Walker
5C - Mr Critchley
Please watch Mrs Morton's Meet the Teacher if you were not able to attend.
Here is an update on the reading opportunities for Year 5 children at Great Crosby. Page 1 and 4 are shown first, click Next/Previous below to change the pages.
Recommended books can be found here: and
Using Plaster of Paris, the children mimicked the fossilisation process.
Year 5's design brief was 'Fashion through time'.
Jo Hodge from Digital Schoolhouse worked with each Year 5 class to teach them about repetition and count-controlled loops. They created repeating patterns on Scratch first, then wrote similar more complex codes in TurtleStitch to create patterns that were then sewn onto cloth.
Mon 21st - Tue 22nd Oct
Tue 22nd - Wed 23rd Oct
In Art, Year 5 have been creating 3D models of an Anglo-Saxon settlement.
Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed their workshops dedicated to learning all about the life of Ancient Greeks.
On a sunny, summer afternoon, Year 5 supported each other and competed well in their Sports Day.
Here are 5E's super phone cases that they have designed and made in their Design and Technology topic of textiles.
Use the same username and password that you use for Purple Mash and Mangahigh.
First visit the Studio to improve your rock status. You need to have had ten goes in the Studio to get your rock status.
Practise in the Garage.
Test yourself in the Soundcheck, then visit the Studio again.
Great Crosby Catholic Primary School
The Northern Road, Crosby, Liverpool. L23 2RQ. email:
Tel 0151 924 8661
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